Becca DeGraw


(she/ her/hers)

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) Registered Art Therapist (ATR-BC)

Hello! I’m Becca! I am experienced in working with adults of all ages, adolescents, and children. I specialize in working with clients to process grief and trauma. Initially, my career began as an art teacher. I later attended graduate school to pursue art therapy. 

Before starting Rainy Day, I worked at an out-patient day center for trauma and mood disorders as the lead art therapist and eventually shifted to be a therapist at a group practice. My work is done alongside you to support your growth in personal and professional experiences through trauma, grief, and life transitions.

When I am not at work, I like to write stories with my sister and grandmother. I also enjoy finding cozy things to do in the winter, like drink teas and snuggle into quilts.


2 Questions I will most likely ask you in session

What was your childhood like?

This helps me understand how you grew to be you. It helps me see who has played an important role in your life and helps me remove any misunderstandings I might have as we do the work of therapy together. 

How do you feel that in your body?

When people ask me how I am feeling, my answer is normally “fine” or “good.” This is a great answer if we are passing by! When I am asking someone in a therapy session how they are feeling and where their emotions sit in their body, the answer lets me know the story of their perceptions or what they walked away with in a situation or just how they are feeling about their week. Our emotions are felt throughout our whole bodies, so asking this question helps me see the full picture of someone’s experience.

My go-to art materials

  • Watercolor 

  • coffee filters 

  • oil pastels 

  • pen drawings

3 things I do to regulate 

Self regulation looks different for everyone. There are techniques we can all use to help us regulate quickly - like breathing, counting, tapping, or going for a walk. There are also activities that help us stay regulated or respond to experiences that upset us, instead of reacting. Here is what I like to do throughout my week!

  • Bike/ walk Frankie!

  • Arrange furniture (this is more like every 6 months!)

  • Paint